Lectron Carburetor Install Yamaha YZ 250X

Duration: 19:54 Views: 19K Submitted: 4 years ago
Description: The crew installs a Lectron Carb on Logan's 2018 YZ250X


The YZ250X was jetted for sea level when the bike was purchased. This meant that the bike would run rough the higher we gained elevation.

If you don't want to mess around trying to find the right jetting for your carb. Do what we did and invest in a Lectron Carburetor.

They have a Metering rod that will allow you to ride ANY elevation in ANY conditions.

Sam and Logan set out for the very first time installing a Lectron Carb on Logan's 2018 YZ250X

We didn't want to have to adjust or mess with the jetting of the YZ250x carburetor so we opted for the Lectron Carburetor.

Lectron has been making Carburetor's for years and are very well known for making a great product. Lectron is also well known for their customer service.

If you have any questions about the Lectron and which one to get or how they work reach to them and they will help you out.

The recommended Lectron Carburetor is a 38 H-Series. It comes with a throttle cable and the adjustment tool is highly recommended.

Lectron's provide your dirt bike with better throttle response and give you more power. Lectron has a patented metering rod that allows you to ride in any conditions and at any elevations.

The carburetor creates this air/fuel ration by responding to the vacuum created inside the manifold of the engine. The design of the Lectron® is focused on two primary principles: “AMPLIFY” the fuel pick up signal.

This kit includes a 38 H-Series Lectron and a throttle cable. The adjustment tool is highly recommended in case you have to do any tuning.


IF YOUR DIRT BIKE HAS A THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR simply follow the plug up to the harness and disconnect it. It is not required for use with a Lectron. It is recommended that you wrap the plug in electrical tape to prevent dirt from entering it.

*Lectrons provide superior throttle response and power delivery by utilizing our patented metering rod.

*Our simple design does not incorporate multiple jets to replace.

*Our taper bore squeezes the air to increase speed and create fuel lift behind our flat metering rod.

*Lectrons are a great choice for riders seeking performance, fuel economy, simplicity and smoother power delivery.

Depending on some set ups, your air boot may rub on your shock spring. This is not an issue as the spring doesn't move enough to cause wear.

#lectron #YZ250x
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